Mesenchymal and muscle-specific intermediate filaments (vimentin and desmin) in relation to differentiation in childhood rhabdomyosarcomas.


:Twenty-one childhood rhabdomyosarcomas were divided into three groups on the basis of cytologic composition. The tumors in group P consisted entirely of primitive mesenchymal cells, whereas those in groups M and W were characterized by the additional presence of numerous round rhabdomyoblasts and strap cells, respectively. The tumors were studied for the universal mesenchymal intermediate filament vimentin, and for the muscle-specific intermediate filament desmin. Vimentin positivity, which tended to be more prominent in primitive tumor cells, was found in all tumors, whereas desmin was found especially in round rhabdomyoblasts and strap cells. Desmin-positive primitive cells were found only in groups M and W, not in group P. It was concluded that the differentiation from primitive mesenchymal cells to morphologically recognizable myogenic tumor cells is accompanied by an increase in desmin positivity and, presumably, a decrease in vimentin positivity. Moreover, the observations suggest the existence of a group of "committed" cells that are morphologically primitive, but desmin-positive. These cells might play an important role in the observed further differentiation of rhabdomyosarcomas under chemotherapy.


Hum Pathol


Human pathology


Molenaar WM,Oosterhuis JW,Oosterhuis AM,Ramaekers FC




Has Abstract


1985-08-01 00:00:00














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