Insulin resistance in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.


:Over the last 30 years glucose intolerance has been reported in a significant percentage of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Currently, a controversy exists in determining whether the carbohydrate abnormality is disease-specific or secondary to decreased glucose utilization due to muscle atrophy. A reduction in glucose receptor space had been postulated for a number of neuromuscular diseases including ALS. In order to clarify this issue we have estimated in vivo insulin sensitivity, using the euglycemic insulin clamp technique, in ALS patients and two control groups, matched according to percent ideal weight. The results showed that the glucose infusion rate, an estimate of in vivo insulin sensitivity, ws significantly diminished in ALS patients compared to both normal and disease controls. These results demonstrate that the insulin resistance in this disorder cannot be explained by a decrease in glucose-receptor space and suggest a primary carbohydrate aberration in the disease process itself.


J Neurol Sci


Reyes ET,Perurena OH,Festoff BW,Jorgensen R,Moore WV




Has Abstract


1984-03-01 00:00:00














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