Estrogen receptor regulates MyoD gene expression by preventing AP-1-mediated repression.


:Cell growth and differentiation are opposite events in the myogenic lineage. Growth factors block the muscle differentiation program by inducing the expression of transcription factors that negatively regulate the expression of muscle regulatory genes like MyoD. In contrast, extracellular clues that induce cell cycle arrest promote MyoD expression and muscle differentiation. Thus, the regulation of MyoD expression is critical for muscle differentiation. Here we show that estrogen induces MyoD expression in mouse skeletal muscle in vivo and in dividing myoblasts in vitro by relieving the MyoD promoter from AP-1 negative regulation through a mechanism involving estrogen receptor/AP-1 protein-protein interactions but independent of the estrogen receptor DNA binding activity.


Pedraza-Alva G,Zingg JM,Donda A,Pérez-Martínez L




Has Abstract


2009-11-13 00:00:00














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