Amyopathic necrotizing dermatomyositis secondary to an underlying malignancy: a case report and review of the literature.


:We describe a patient with amyopathic dermatomyositis (DM) secondary to an unusual malignancy. Although the association between amyopathic DM and malignancy has been established, our case report is unique in that the patient exhibited necrotic lesions on her skin. Furthermore, histopathologic examination of the skin lesions demonstrated a combination of epidermal findings typical of DM in addition to a necrotizing, paucicellular vasculopathy. The first indication of an underlying malignancy in this patient was the clinical findings of DM. Prompt identification of such findings may assist in the diagnosis and treatment of the associated malignancy.






Ritchie SA,Kobayashi T,Sperling L


Has Abstract


2008-12-01 00:00:00














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