Growing up with epilepsy: a two-year investigation of cognitive development in children with new onset epilepsy.


PURPOSE:To characterize patterns and determinants of normal and abnormal cognitive development in children with new onset epilepsy compared to healthy controls. METHODS:Longitudinal (2-year) cognitive growth was examined in 100 children, age 8-18 years, including healthy controls (n = 48) and children with new onset epilepsy (n = 52). Cognitive maturation was examined as a function of the presence/absence of two neurobehavioral comorbitiies (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and/or academic problems) identified at the time of epilepsy diagnosis. Groups were compared across a comprehensive neuropsychological battery assessing intelligence, academic achievement, language, memory, executive function, and psychomotor speed. RESULTS:Children with new onset epilepsy without neurobehavioral comorbidities were comparable to healthy controls at baseline, rate of cognitive development, and follow-up assessment across all neuropsychological domains. In contrast, the presence of neurobehavioral comorbidities was associated with significantly worse baseline and prospective cognitive trajectories across all cognitive domains, especially executive functions. CONCLUSION:The presence of neurobehavioral comorbidities at the time of epilepsy onset is a major marker of abnormal cognitive development both prior to and after the onset of epilepsy.






Hermann BP,Jones JE,Sheth R,Koehn M,Becker T,Fine J,Allen CA,Seidenberg M




Has Abstract


2008-11-01 00:00:00














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