The potential utility of a staging model as a course specifier: a bipolar disorder perspective.


:Staging models are widely used in clinical medicine, and offer an insight into the progressive nature of many disorders. In general, the earlier stages of illness may be associated with a better prognosis and a higher treatment response. Once chronicity is reached, more complex and invasive treatments may be required, and the utility of treatments may decline. There is evidence that treatment response is greatest in the early phases of the disorder. There is also a progressive social and psychological burden of ongoing illness. This is paralleled by the twin notions of neuroprotection, which is supported by increasing evidence that structural changes in the disorder may be progressive and reversible with algorithm appropriate treatment, and that of early intervention, which posits that the optimal window for intervention is early in the illness course. A staging model compliments existing and proposed classifications of bipolar disorder, adding a temporal dimension to a cross sectional view. It may inform treatment choice and prognosis, and could have utility as a course specifier.


J Affect Disord


Berk M,Hallam KT,McGorry PD




Has Abstract


2007-06-01 00:00:00














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