Surgical excision of iris nodules in the management of sarcoid uveitis.


PURPOSE:To illustrate the role of surgical removal of iris nodules (granulomas) in the management of sarcoid uveitis. STUDY DESIGN:Two interventional case reports. METHODS:The authors describe the clinical course of two 10-year-old males with long-standing granulomatous uveitis refractory to medical antiinflammatory and immunomodulatory therapy. Both patients were seen with iris masses, which were excised and biopsied, with findings of sarcoidosis. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES:Control of ocular inflammation as evidenced by decrease in inflammatory cells in both anterior and posterior chambers. RESULTS:On excision of the iris masses, the ocular inflammation was controlled in both patients. CONCLUSIONS:The authors hypothesize that iris granulomas may not only be products of persistent antigenic stimulation characteristic of sarcoidosis but subsequently become foci of continued cytokine production and ocular inflammation. Total surgical removal of the iris masses may help in the diagnosis and control of sarcoid uveitis refractory to medical management.






Ocampo VV Jr,Foster CS,Baltatzis S




Has Abstract


2001-07-01 00:00:00














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