Transferring skills--from south to north.


:The primary aim of western-trained speech and language therapists (SLTs) working in the 'South' is not to train further SLTs but to transfer a range of practical skills to carers, health and education workers working directly with under-served populations. Considering current areas of service need in the UK, a model of primary health care has been applied to the western model, resulting in further discussion of potential applications to future SLT practice in the UK.


Morris T




Has Abstract


2001-01-01 00:00:00








36 Suppl


  • Preferred communication modes: prelinguistic and linguistic communication in non-speaking preschool children with cerebral palsy.

    abstract::Seven non-speaking preschool children with severe cerebral palsy, 5-7 years of age, were studied with respect to the amount of prelinguistic versus linguistic modes of communication used in communicative interaction with a previously unknown adult. An attempt was also made to analyse this in relation to the childrens'...

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    authors: Falkman KW,Sandberg AD,Hjelmquist E

    更新日期:2002-01-01 00:00:00

  • Early language impairments and developmental pathways of emotional problems across childhood.

    abstract:BACKGROUND:Language impairments are associated with an increased likelihood of emotional difficulties later in childhood or adolescence, but little is known about the impact of LI on the growth of emotional problems. AIMS:To examine the link between early language status (language impaired (LI), typical language (TL))...

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    authors: Yew SG,O'Kearney R

    更新日期:2015-05-01 00:00:00

  • Why is it so hard to reach agreement on terminology? The case of developmental language disorder (DLD).

    abstract::A recent project entitled CATALISE used the Delphi method to reach a consensus on terminology for unexplained language problems in children. 'Developmental language disorder' (DLD) was the term agreed by a panel of 57 experts. Here I reflect on points of difficulty that arose when attempting to reach a consensus, usin...

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    authors: Bishop DVM

    更新日期:2017-11-01 00:00:00

  • Associations between the Transsexual Voice Questionnaire (TVQMtF ) and self-report of voice femininity and acoustic voice measures.

    abstract:BACKGROUND:The Transsexual Voice Questionnaire (TVQMtF ) was designed to capture the voice-related perceptions of individuals whose gender identity as female is the opposite of their birth-assigned gender (MtF women). Evaluation of the psychometric properties of the TVQMtF is ongoing. AIMS:To investigate associations ...

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    authors: Dacakis G,Oates J,Douglas J

    更新日期:2017-11-01 00:00:00

  • Oral and written picture description in individuals with aphasia.

    abstract:BACKGROUND:Aphasia is characterized by difficulties in connected speech/writing. AIMS:To explore the differences between the oral and written description of a picture in individuals with chronic aphasia (IWA) and healthy controls. Descriptions were controlled for productivity, efficiency, grammatical organization, sub...

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    authors: Vandenborre D,Visch-Brink E,van Dun K,Verhoeven J,Mariën P

    更新日期:2018-03-01 00:00:00

  • Indirect language therapy for children with persistent language impairment in mainstream primary schools: outcomes from a cohort intervention.

    abstract:BACKGROUND:A manualized language therapy developed via a randomized controlled trial had proved efficacious in the short-term in developing expressive language for mainstream primary school children with persistent language impairment. This therapy had been delivered to a predetermined schedule by speech and language t...

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    authors: McCartney E,Boyle J,Ellis S,Bannatyne S,Turnbull M

    更新日期:2011-01-01 00:00:00

  • Influence of current input-output and age of first exposure on phonological acquisition in early bilingual Spanish-English-speaking kindergarteners.

    abstract:BACKGROUND:Although some investigations of phonological development have found that segmental accuracy is comparable in monolingual children and their bilingual peers, there is evidence that language use affects segmental accuracy in both languages. AIMS:To investigate the influence of age of first exposure to English...

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    authors: Ruiz-Felter R,Cooperson SJ,Bedore LM,Peña ED

    更新日期:2016-07-01 00:00:00

  • Development of a language screening instrument for Swedish 4-year-olds.

    abstract:BACKGROUND:The Swedish Program for health surveillance of preschool children includes screening of language and communication abilities. One important language screening is carried out at age 4 years as part of a general screening conducted by health nurses at child health centres. The instruments presently in use for ...

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    authors: Lavesson A,Lövdén M,Hansson K

    更新日期:2018-05-01 00:00:00

  • Strategies for achieving joint attention when signing to children with Down's syndrome.

    abstract::Research indicates that joint attention is an important factor in determining the rate and nature of early vocabulary development in typically developing children. Studies conducted with deaf children acquiring sign language indicate that caregivers adopt special strategies for achieving joint attention with this grou...

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    authors: Clibbens J,Powell GG,Atkinson E

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  • Psychometric properties of discourse measures in aphasia: acceptability, reliability, and validity.

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  • Assessment of voice, speech and communication changes associated with cervical spinal cord injury.

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  • Phonological awareness and early reading development in childhood apraxia of speech (CAS).

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    authors: McNeill BC,Gillon GT,Dodd B

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  • Can individuals with Down syndrome improve their grammar?

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  • Conversational behaviour of children with Developmental Language Delay and their caretakers.

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  • Speech and language therapy service delivery for bilingual children: A survey of three cities in Great Britain.

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  • Randomized clinical trial: the use of SpeechEasy® in stuttering treatment.

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  • Autonomic and emotional responses of graduate student clinicians in speech-language pathology to stuttered speech.

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  • Measuring up to speech intelligibility.

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  • An audit of clinical placements.

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  • Emotional and behavioural problems in children with language impairments and children with autism spectrum disorders.

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  • Single words are not enough: verbs, grammar and fluent aphasia.

    abstract::This paper reports on a range of tests and assessments given to a group of six fluent aphasic speakers. Diverse profiles emerged with dissociations between the ability to name action pictures or construct sentences and the ability to produce grammatically well-formed spontaneous speech. ...

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  • Efficacy of a self-administered treatment using a smart tablet to improve functional vocabulary in post-stroke aphasia: a case-series study.

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  • Lexical access in children with and without specific language impairment: a cross-modal picture-word interference study.

    abstract::Two experiments examined the time course of lexical information availability in 20 adults, 20 children (8;0-10;0) with typical language development, and in 20 children (8;0-10;0) with specific language impairment. A cross-modal picture-word interference paradigm was used in which participants named the pictures as qui...

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  • 'I never even gave it a second thought': PGCE students' attitudes towards the inclusion of children with speech and language impairments.

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  • Inappropriate sexual behaviour experienced by speech-language therapists.

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    authors: Williams TH,de Seriere J,Boddington L

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  • Perceptual strategies in phonological disorder: assessment, remediation and evaluation.

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  • Conversational repair in speakers with autism spectrum disorder.

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