[Hypertensive encephalopathy associated to repetitive seizures: case report].


:Five years old, female, who started with tonic-clonic seizures on the right side of the body, with vomits and unconsciousness. The patient had been hospitalized for eight times in the last sixty days because of seizures. At physical exam, she had a severe arterial hypertension (270/140 mmHg). The computerized tomographic scan and magnetic resonance imaging revealed hypodense areas, mainly on the right parietal-temporal region, suggesting presence of edema. The angiography showed stenosis of the right renal artery, that was the cause of arterial hypertension. After the control of arterial hypertension by nephrectomy, the patient had a complete remission of the symptoms, as well as the images anomalies.


Arq Neuropsiquiatr


Antoniuk SA,Bruck I,Morais RL,Navolar FB,Meister E,Spessatto A




Has Abstract


2000-06-01 00:00:00














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