Bacillus anthracis surface: capsule and S-layer.


:Two abundant surface proteins, EA1 and Sap, are components of the Bacillus anthracis surface layer (S-layer). Their corresponding genes have been cloned, shown to be clustered on the chromosome and sequenced. EA1 and Sap each possess three 'S-layer homology' motifs. Single and double disrupted mutants were constructed. EA1 and Sap were co-localized at the cell surface of both the non-capsulated and capsulated bacilli. When present, the capsule is exterior to, and completely covers, the S-layer proteins, which form an array beneath it. Nevertheless, the presence of these proteins is not required for normal capsulation of the bacilli. Thus both structures are compatible, and yet neither is required for the correct formation of the other. Bacillus anthracis has, therefore, a very complex cell wall organization for a gram-positive bacterium.


J Appl Microbiol


Fouet A,Mesnage S,Tosi-Couture E,Gounon P,Mock M




Has Abstract


1999-08-01 00:00:00














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