Identification of human skin from a tissue fragment by detection of squamous cell carcinoma-related antigen using an enzyme immunoassay.


:A new method of identifying human skin from a tissue fragment by detection of squamous cell carcinoma-related (SCC) antigen, using an enzyme immunoassay, was developed. When an extract was prepared from 0.1 g human skin homogenized with 1 ml of phosphate buffered saline, this method was able to detect SCC antigen in extracts diluted 10(2)-fold. There was no difference in the detection limit between individuals. Species specificity was good, and there was no cross reaction observed with skins from animals. Our method could also discriminate between skin and other organs or tissues, except for esophagus and lung. A practical case to which this method was applied is presented.


Forensic Sci Int


Kitao T,Miyaishi S,Yamamoto Y,Ishizu H




Has Abstract


1996-12-02 00:00:00














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