Purification, characterization and crystallization of human platelet profilin expressed in Escherichia coli.


:Human platelet profilin was expressed in Escherichia coli using a T7 based expression vector. The recombinant material is similar to authentic human platelet profilin based on the measured Kd for rabbit skeletal muscle actin. Crystals of the recombinant material were obtained from both PEG 8000 and (NH4)2SO4. These crystals are isomorphous and belong to the monoclinic space group C2, a = 75.0, b = 32.0, c = 62.5, beta = 123 degrees. These crystals contain one molecule in the asymmetric unit and diffract to at least 2.0 A.


J Mol Biol


Fedorov AA,Pollard TD,Almo SC




Has Abstract


1994-08-19 00:00:00














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