Liver-regulating protein (LRP) is a plasma membrane protein involved in cell contact-mediated regulation of Sertoli cell function by primary spermatocytes.


:We have identified a liver-regulating protein involved in cell contact-mediated regulation of Sertoli cell function by primary spermatocytes in rat testis. Liver-regulating protein was studied using monoclonal antibody L8 prepared from rat primitive biliary epithelial cells. This molecule was located in vivo at the interface of Sertoli cells and spermatocytes, and expressed in a stage-dependent manner (expression peaked on leptotene-zygotene spermatocytes). In vitro, the liver-regulating protein was found on Sertoli cell, spermatocyte and early spermatid membranes. Immunoaffinity procedures revealed two peptides of 85 and 73 kDa for Sertoli cells, while spermatocytes and spermatids displayed a single smaller peptide of 56 kDa. The involvement of the liver-regulating protein in cell interaction-mediated regulation of Sertoli cell was assessed in vitro by tracing Sertoli cell transferrin and inhibin secretion, as well as mRNA synthesis in spermatocyte-Sertoli cell cocultures and in rat liver biliary epithelial cell-Sertoli cell cocultures, performed in the presence or absence of monoclonal antibody L8. Inhibition of the spermatocyte- and liver biliary epithelial cell-stimulated secretion of transferrin and inhibin by Sertoli cells was observed in the presence of antibody, whereas spermatocyte adhesiveness was unchanged. Using northern blot analysis, the steady state levels of transferrin mRNA decreased when the anti-liver-regulating protein antibody was added to the Sertoli cell-spermatocyte cocultures or to the Sertoli cell-liver biliary epithelial cell cocultures. The data demonstrate the role of the liver-regulating protein in cell-cell contact-mediated regulation of Sertoli function by primary spermatocytes and the important implications of this cell contact-dependent control in testicular activity.


J Cell Sci


Journal of cell science


Gérard N,Corlu A,Kneip B,Kercret H,Rissel M,Guguen-Guillouzo C,Jégou B


Has Abstract


1995-03-01 00:00:00








108 ( Pt 3)


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