Removal of stones from the superficial lobe of the submandibular gland (SMG) via an intraoral endoscopy-assisted sialolithotomy.


OBJECTIVES:Sialolithiasis is the most common cause of chronic sialadenitis of the submandibular gland (SMG). Symptomatic superficial lobe stones are often treated by submandibulectomy. A gland preserving operation allows for transoral stone removal through endoscopically assisted sialolithotomy. Herein, we provide clinical and sonographical follow-up data in patients who underwent sialolithotomy under general anesthesia. MATERIALS AND METHODS:Sixty patients treated at the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Düsseldorf University Hospital for superficial lobe sialolithiasis of SMG were included in this study. All received transoral sialolithotomy under general anesthesia. Follow-up was conducted via standardized patient questionnaires, clinical examination, and B-mode and color Doppler sonography. RESULTS:Mean patient age was 48.9 years. 56.6% of right and 43.4% of left SMG were affected. Mean follow-up was 45 months. Fifty-five of 59 detected stones could be removed. Mean operation time was 71 min. 3.3% of patients reported recurrent episodes of postoperative pain and 10% felt recurrent episodes of gland swelling. Persistent postoperative lingual nerve hypesthesia was described in one patient. No facial nerve damages occurred. Salivary flow rates remained reduced in most of the affected glands upon stone removal. Sonographical follow-up data of the previously affected SMG after intraoral endoscopy-assisted sialolithotomy showed a regular gland size in 70.8% of cases, a parenchyma free of inflammation in 93.8%, and without signs of fibrosis in 72.9% of cases. 68.7% of patients showed a regular structure of Wharton's duct at time of follow-up. In total, 89.6% of patients were diagnosed stone-free within both glands on follow-up. No case required subsequent submandibulectomy. CONCLUSIONS:Sialolithotomy of Wharton's duct for removal of stones from the SMG's superficial lobe is a promising alternative to submandibulectomy. CLINICAL RELEVANCE:Reduction of postoperative morbidity through endoscopically assisted sialolithotomy for removal of superficial lobe stones from SMG. TRIAL REGISTRATION:Ethics Committee of Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf (no. 5586).


Clin Oral Investig


Sproll C,Naujoks C,Holtmann H,Kübler NR,Singh DD,Rana M,Lommen J




Has Abstract


2019-11-01 00:00:00














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