Progesterone support in IVF: is evidence-based medicine translated to clinical practice? A worldwide web-based survey.


:This worldwide web-based survey compared the clinical practice for luteal-phase supplementation (LPS) in stimulated IVF cycles to the current evidence-based literature. Eighty-four treatment centres in 35 countries, representing a total of 51,155 IVF cycles/year, responded. Vaginal progesterone alone was used for LPS in 64% of cycles and in another 16% of cycles in combination with either i.m. (15%) or oral progesterone (1%). As a single agent, i.m. progesterone was used in 13% of cycles, oral progesterone in another 2% and human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) was still used in 5% of cycles. Progesterone was administered until 10-12 weeks' gestation in 67% of cycles and in 22% and 12% it was discontinued when fetal heart pulsations are recognized or until βHCG was positive, respectively. In conclusion, in almost two-thirds of the assisted cycles represented in this survey, vaginal administration of progesterone is preferred for LPS. Nevertheless, despite the available literature on the disadvantages of oral progesterone, i.m. progesterone and HCG for LPS, these agents are still used routinely by many practitioners. Furthermore, although there is no firm evidence to support the continuation of LPS until 10-12 weeks' gestation, this practice is used in the majority of IVF cycles worldwide.


Reprod Biomed Online


Vaisbuch E,Leong M,Shoham Z




Has Abstract


2012-08-01 00:00:00














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