Radiological appearances following limb replantation: a report of 5 cases.


:Plain radiographs of the limbs were reviewed after replantation procedures following traumatic amputation in 5 patients at the wrist (2), mid-forearm (2) and knee (1). Following upper limb replantation, rapid development of osteopaenia was initially noted in the juxta-articular regions and metaphyses of the tubular bones of the hand. These changes were followed by diaphyseal cortical bone loss with evidence of subperiosteal, intracortical and endosteal bone resorption. Juxta-articular erosions developed at the margins of the small joints in the hand in all cases. Gradual resolution of bone changes was noted in 3 of the 4 cases where follow-up exceeded 5 years. Following lower limb replantation, there was no evidence of bone loss; however, severe neuropathic joint disease developed within 18 months and progressed over the following 9 years. We suggest that the radiographic changes observed after upper limb replantation reflect regional hyperaemia secondary to neurovascular damage, whilst the changes in the lower limb reflect a similar process in a limb subjected to weight bearing.


Skeletal Radiol


Skeletal radiology


Jackson A,Reilly M,Watson S





Has Abstract


1992-01-01 00:00:00












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