Proteome characterization of human NK-92 cells identifies novel IFN-alpha and IL-15 target genes.


:Natural killer (NK) cells are important components of innate immune defense. NK cells kill virus-infected cells and secrete cytokines that are involved in activation of other immune cells. Macrophage-derived cytokines interferon-alpha (IFN-alpha) and interleukin-15 (IL-15) are in turn important activators of NK cells, but the receptors and intracellular pathways that are involved in NK cell functions are still incompletely known. Here we have used expression proteomics to find new IFN-alpha and IL-15 regulated proteins in human NK-92 cells, which have the characteristics of activated NK cells. Cells were stimulated with cytokines for 20 h, lysed, and soluble proteins were separated by two-dimensional electrophoresis, and differentially expressed protein spots were identified with mass spectrometry and database searches. A total of 57 protein spots were found to be reproducibly differentially expressed between control and cytokine stimulated gel pairs, 26 spots being more than 2-fold upregulated and 3 spots being at least 2-fold downregulated. The rest 28 spots showed minor, less than 2-fold changes in their expression levels after quantification. From the differentially expressed protein spots we identified 47 different proteins, most of which are new IFN-alpha and IL-15 target proteins. Interestingly, we show that e.g., adenylate kinase 2 is highly upregulated by IFN-alpha and IL-15 stimulation in NK-92 cells. The expression of selected genes with high expression level differences after cytokine stimulation were further studied at mRNA level. Northern blot analysis showed that the genes studied were induced by IFN-alpha, IL-15, and IL-2 already at 3 h time point, suggesting that they are primary target genes of these cytokines.


J Proteome Res


Rakkola R,Matikainen S,Nyman TA





Has Abstract


2005-01-01 00:00:00












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