A patient with early gallbladder cancer derived from a Rokitanski-Aschoff sinus.


:We present herein a case of a 40-year-old male with early gallbladder cancer derived from a Rokitanski-Aschoff sinus (RAS). The patient originally presented at our hospital with epigastric discomfort, following which a diagnosis of adenomyomatosis (ADM) of the gallbladder was made, and a cholecystectomy performed. Histopathological examination of the resected specimen revealed a 7-mm well-differentiated papillo-tubular adenocarcinoma in the RAS epithelium in the body of the gallbladder. The RAS extended to the "pm" layer but the adenocarcinoma was an in situ lesion localized within the RAS epithelium. Considering the difficulties in making an early diagnosis of gallbladder cancer, active surgery should be performed for patients in whom ADM is seen in the gallbladder.


Surg Today


Surgery today


Funabiki T,Matsumoto S,Tsukada N,Kimura T,Yoshizaki S,Horibe Y




Has Abstract


1993-01-01 00:00:00












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