Suicidal ideation in an ethnically mixed, highland Guatemalan community.


:Reported suicide rates in Latin America remain low, but there is evidence to suggest they may be increasing, particularly among indigenous populations. To better understand who may be at risk for suicide, we examined the prevalence of suicidal ideation and explored factors contributing to suicidal thoughts in an ethnically mixed, highland Guatemalan community. The data presented in this article are from a mixed methods ethnographic field project conducted over 15 months from 2010 to 2011 in Panajachel, Guatemala. We surveyed a random sample of 350 community members. Survey questions included standardized modules from the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview, as well as questions on experiences of violence and mental health care. We also conducted semi-structured interviews with 13 self-selected survey participants with current suicidal ideation. These interviews included questions regarding survey responses, experiences of mental illness, and access to mental health care. A total of 55 survey participants (N = 350; 15.7%) scored positive for suicidality. Ethnic identity, gender, psychiatric illness, and experiences of violence were all correlated to suicidal ideation. Qualitative interview data highlight distinctions between genders within prominent themes of religion, family, experiences of violence, and seeking resources. Three key findings emerged from our research that are relevant to the literature: 1) ethnic identity may be both a critical risk and a protective factor for suicide in some indigenous people; 2) intersections between violence and gender highlight different patterns in suicidal ideation; and 3) high rates of suicidal ideation and other psychiatric comorbidities underscore the need for greater access to mental health services.


Transcult Psychiatry


Transcultural psychiatry


Pezzia C,Hernandez LM




Has Abstract


2021-01-14 00:00:00








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