The infrastructure of religious communities: a neglected resource for care of people with AIDS.


:The AIDS Interfaith Council of Houston, sponsored by the Foundation for Interfaith Research and Ministry, recruits, trains, and coordinates volunteers for home-based care for adults and children with AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). The program provides compassionate, non-judgmental care for the sick and respite support for the primary care provider. Care is provided by highly motivated, trained volunteers. The respite care team model also represents a support system to complement medical management and other health care services for people with AIDS. With the expanding number of cases and the growing preference for clients to remain at home, such a model will become increasingly important as people continue to live longer with AIDS.


Am J Public Health


Shelp EE,DuBose ER,Sunderland RH




Has Abstract


1990-08-01 00:00:00












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