Genetic characterization of field-evolved resistance to phosphine in the rusty grain beetle, Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Laemophloeidae: Coleoptera).


:Inheritance of resistance to phosphine fumigant was investigated in three field-collected strains of rusty grain beetle, Cryptolestes ferrugineus, Susceptible (S-strain), Weakly Resistant (Weak-R) and Strongly Resistant (Strong-R). The strains were purified for susceptibility, weak resistance and strong resistance to phosphine, respectively, to ensure homozygosity of resistance genotype. Crosses were established between S-strain×Weak-R, S-strain×Strong-R and Weak-R×Strong-R, and the dose mortality responses to phosphine of these strains and their F1, F2 and F1-backcross progeny were obtained. The fumigations were undertaken at 25°C and 55% RH for 72h. Weak-R and Strong-R showed resistance factors of 6.3× and 505× compared with S-strain at the LC50. Both weak and strong resistances were expressed as incompletely recessive with degrees of dominance of -0.48 and -0.43 at the LC50, respectively. Responses of F2 and F1-backcross progeny indicated the existence of one major gene in Weak-R, and at least two major genes in Strong-R, one of which was allelic with the major factor in Weak-R. Phenotypic variance analyses also estimated that the number of independently segregating genes conferring weak resistance was 1 (nE=0.89) whereas there were two genes controlling strong resistance (nE=1.2). The second gene, unique to Strong-R, interacted synergistically with the first gene to confer a very high level of resistance (~80×). Neither of the two major resistance genes was sex linked. Despite the similarity of the genetics of resistance to that previously observed in other pest species, a significant proportion (~15 to 30%) of F1 individuals survived at phosphine concentrations higher than predicted. Thus it is likely that additional dominant heritable factors, present in some individuals in the population, also influenced the resistance phenotype. Our results will help in understanding the process of selection for phosphine resistance in the field which will inform resistance management strategies. In addition, this information will provide a basis for the identification of the resistance genes.


Pestic Biochem Physiol


Jagadeesan R,Collins PJ,Nayak MK,Schlipalius DI,Ebert PR




Has Abstract


2016-02-01 00:00:00












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