Self-management training for children with chronic bronchial asthma.


:We have described examples of behaviors that occur antecedent to, concurrent with, or as a consequence of childhood asthma. Ways these patterns can be altered have also been described. Three points should be emphasized: first, social learning techniques can contribute to a child acquiring self-monitoring and self-management skills over his or her affliction. Thus, youngsters with asthma can learn self-responsibility over their affliction. Second, while we do have follow-up data indicating that youngsters continue to perform similar behaviors once they leave the Center and return to their families, such generalization does not automatically occur. For this reason, we have initiated several programs for working with a child's family. Finally, what about the youngster who is never admitted to an asthma facility such as the national Asthma Center? It is here where we are beginning to focus most of our efforts. By teaching a child and his or her family ways that the youngster can learn to manage asthma means that the disease will become less of a disruptive influence within the home, that costs of the affliction can be contained, and that the youngster can remain within the mainstream of both his or her family and community. Future reports from the Center will describe efforts we are making in this direction.


Psychother Psychosom


Creer TL,Burns KL




Has Abstract


1979-01-01 00:00:00












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