Equilibrium binding of myristoyllysophosphatidylcholine to bovine myelin basic protein: an example of ligand-mediated acceptor association.


:The interaction of myristoyllysophosphatidylcholine with bovine myelin basic protein at pH 7.4 and 4.5, I = 0.48, has been investigated by a recycling partition equilibrium technique with Bio-Gel P-2 as the gel phase. Important points to emerge from this direct binding study are that it is a monomeric (not micellar) amphiphile that binds to myelin basic protein, that the amphiphile binds preferentially to the monomeric form of myelin basic protein, that this binding to monomer is highly cooperative, that the similarity of binding behavior in the two environments tested is consistent with the dominance of a hydrophobic contribution to the protein-amphiphile interaction, and that the self-association of myelin basic protein in the presence of phospholipid [Smith, R. (1982) Biochemistry 21, 2697-2701] must reflect the aggregation of a protein-amphiphile complex(es) coupled with concomitant release of some lipid. These findings are then related to earlier nuclear magnetic resonance and circular dichroism studies in which the results were interpreted on the basis that myelin basic protein bound preferentially to micellar phospholipid.






Gow A,Winzor DJ,Smith R




Has Abstract


1987-02-24 00:00:00












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