The costs and effects of cervical and breast cancer screening in a public hospital emergency room. The Cancer Control Center of Harlem.


OBJECTIVES:This study assessed the cost-effectiveness of cervix and breast cancer screening in a public hospital emergency room. METHODS:Age-eligible women with nonurgent conditions and without recent screening were offered screening by a nurse. A decision analysis compared the costs and outcomes of emergency room screening and standard hospital screening efforts. RESULTS:The undiscounted cost-effectiveness results for establishing new programs were $4050 (cervical cancer), $403,203 (breast cancer), and $4375 (joint cervix and breast cancer) per year of life saved. If screening is added to an existing program, results are more favorable ($429, $21,324, and $479 per year of life saved for cervix, breast, and joint screening, respectively). Results were most sensitive to volume and probability of receiving treatment after an abnormal screen. CONCLUSIONS:Emergency room screening was cost-effective for cervical cancer; breast cancer screening was relatively expensive given the low number of women reached. More intensive recruitment and follow-up strategies are needed to maximize the cost-effectiveness of such programs.


Am J Public Health


Mandelblatt J,Freeman H,Winczewski D,Cagney K,Williams S,Trowers R,Tang J,Gold K,Lin TH,Kerner J




Has Abstract


1997-07-01 00:00:00












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