Al NMR: a novel NMR data processing program optimized for sparse sampling.


:Sparse sampling in biomolecular multidimensional NMR offers increased acquisition speed and resolution and, if appropriate conditions are met, an increase in sensitivity. Sparse sampling of indirectly detected time domains combined with the direct truly multidimensional Fourier transform has elicited particular attention because of the ability to generate a final spectrum amenable to traditional analysis techniques. A number of sparse sampling schemes have been described including radial sampling, random sampling, concentric sampling and variations thereof. A fundamental feature of these sampling schemes is that the resulting time domain data array is not amenable to traditional Fourier transform based processing and phasing correction techniques. In addition, radial sampling approaches offer a number of advantages and capabilities that are also not accessible using standard NMR processing techniques. These include sensitivity enhancement, sub-matrix processing and determination of minimal sets of sampling angles. Here we describe a new software package (Al NMR) that enables these capabilities in the context of a general NMR data processing environment.


J Biomol NMR


Gledhill JM Jr,Wand AJ




Has Abstract


2012-01-01 00:00:00












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