Donor-site morbidity of the inferior gluteal musculocutaneous flap for breast reconstruction in teenagers.


:The purpose of this study is to objectively evaluate donor-site morbidity of the inferior gluteal musculocutaneous flap in teenagers. All cases of breast reconstruction performed between 1996 and 2005 using an inferior gluteal flap were reviewed. Flap size, weight, and pedicle origin were noted. Donor-site morbidity was assessed for scarring, contour deformity, muscle function, and sensation. The charts of 15 patients were reviewed, and 6 patients were available for further investigation. The average flap size and weight were 17 cm x 7 cm and 430 g, respectively. All patients had a well-concealed scar with minimal buttock asymmetry. Sensory assessment showed some degree of hypoesthesia in the territory of the posterior femoral cutaneous nerve in all patients. There was no functional loss. Donor-site morbidity of the inferior gluteal musculocutaneous flap is largely related to posterior thigh hypoesthesia despite preservation of the posterior femoral cutaneous nerve.


Ann Plast Surg


Dupéré S,Bergeron L,Bortoluzzi P,Del-Duca T,Caouette-Laberge L




Has Abstract


2007-12-01 00:00:00














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