Chronic hepatitis C and no response to antiviral therapy: potential current and future therapeutic options.


:A significant proportion of chronic hepatitis C patients fails to achieve sustained virologic response even after treatment with the current, more potent, combination of pegylated interferon-alpha (IFNa) plus ribavirin. Such patients represent a rather heterogeneous group and may be divided initially into relapsers and nonresponders. Both the type of previous therapy and of previous response are very important factors for the indication and the type of re-treatment. The combination of pegylated IFNa and ribavirin seems to be a rational approach for patients who failed to respond to IFNa monotherapy. Pegylated IFNa-based regimens appear to induce sustained responses in 40-68% of relapsers but in only 11% of nonresponders to previous therapy with standard IFNa plus ribavirin. Thus, new therapeutic approaches are needed for the latter subgroup of patients as well as those who fail to respond to pegylated IFNa-based regimens. Such new approaches currently under evaluation include the triple combination of pegylated IFNa, ribavirin, and amantadine, alternative types of IFN, use of agents with ribavirin like activity but lesser degrees of side-effects, inhibitors of hepatitis C virus (HCV) replication, mainly inhibitors of NS3 protease or helicase, antisense oligonucleotides, and ribozymes, and several immunomodulators. Moreover, maintenance antifibrotic therapy, mostly with low doses of pegylated IFNa, are under evaluation in patients with advanced fibrosis. Thus, even in the current era of the potent pegylated IFNa-based regimens, the management of these difficult-to-treat patients represents an increasingly frequent problem and perhaps the most challenging therapeutic task in chronic hepatitis C.


J Viral Hepat


Papatheodoridis GV,Cholongitas E




Has Abstract


2004-07-01 00:00:00














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