[Combination of chemotherapy (vindesine, lomustine, cisplatin, cyclophosphamide) and thoracic radiotherapy in nonresectable non-small cell bronchial carcinoma: final results of a phase II clinical trial].


:Seventy-five patients with locally advanced non small cell lung carcinoma were entered in a phase II study combining chemotherapy (vindesine, lomustine, cisplatin and cyclophosphamide) and radical thoracic radiotherapy delivering a total dose of 60-65 Gy. Patients were regularly assessed by radiological and fiberoptic bronchoscopy examinations in order to evaluate local control. An objective response was observed in 22 patients (29%) after initial chemotherapy (2 complete remissions and 20 partial responses). The complete response rate after the combined schedule was 30%. Toxicity of this combination was acceptable. Median survival was 13.5 months. Actuarial risk of developing distant metastases at 3 years was 60%. However, the main cause of failure was local with 80% of uncontrolled or recurrent thoracic tumor in the first 2 years of follow-up. The present study shows that local control remains a major problem in the management of patients with inoperable non metastatic non small cell lung cancer.


Bull Cancer


Bulletin du cancer


Nasr E,Pellae-Cosset B,Arriagada R,Le Chevalier T,Baldeyrou P,Ruffie P,de Cremoux H,Martin M,Tarayre M


Has Abstract


1992-01-01 00:00:00












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