Computerized detection of pulmonary nodules in chest radiographs based on morphological features and wavelet snake model.


:We have developed a new computer-aided diagnosis scheme for automated detection of lung nodules in digital chest radiographs based on a combination of morphological features and the wavelet snake. In our scheme, two processes were applied in parallel to reduce the false-positive detections after initial nodule candidates were selected. One process consisted of adaptive filtering for enhancement of nodules and suppression of normal lung structures, followed by extraction of conventional morphological features. The other process consisted of a novel approach for elimination of false positives called the edge-guided wavelet snake model. In the latter process, multiscale edges of the candidate nodules were extracted to yield parts of the nodule boundaries. A wavelet snake was then used for fitting of these multiscale edges for approximation of the true boundaries of nodules. A boundary feature called the weighted overlap between the snake and the multiscale edges was calculated and used for elimination of false positives. Finally, the weighted overlap and the morphological features were combined by use of an artificial neural network for efficient reduction of false positives. Our scheme was applied to a publicly available database of digital chest images for pulmonary nodules. Receiver operating characteristic analysis was employed for evaluation of the performance of each process in the scheme. The combined features yielded a large reduction of false positives, and thus achieved a high performance in discriminating between true and false positives. These results show that our new method, in particular the false-positive reduction method based on the wavelet snake, is effective in improving the performance of a computerized scheme for detection of pulmonary nodules in chest radiographs.


Med Image Anal


Medical image analysis


Keserci B,Yoshida H




Has Abstract


2002-12-01 00:00:00














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