Calcium-mediated degeneration of the axonal cytoskeleton in the Ola mouse.


:The C57BL/Ola (Ola) mouse is a mutant substrain in which transected axons undergo very slow Wallerian degeneration. Because axonal degradation during Wallerian degeneration is calcium dependent, we tested whether Ola axons are susceptible to calcium-mediated axonal degeneration by comparing neurofilament degradation between Ola and C57BL/6 mice in sciatic nerve explants. Using immunoblot analysis of neurofilament degradation and electron microscopy we found that as in normal axons, axonal degeneration in the Ola is calcium dependent. However, when compared with normal animals, higher levels of calcium were required for complete degradation of neurofilaments in Ola nerve, suggesting a relative insensitivity to calcium-mediated degeneration in the Ola. We conclude that calcium-activated proteases are present and active in Ola axons but that higher levels of calcium are required to accomplish complete axonal degradation. These results suggest a possible mechanism for prolonged survival of transected Ola axons and provide potential insight into the pathophysiology of axonal degeneration in injury and disease.


J Neurochem


Glass JD,Schryer BL,Griffin JW




Has Abstract


1994-06-01 00:00:00












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