Thermoperiodic regulation of the circadian eclosion rhythm in the flesh fly, Sarcophaga crassipalpis.


:We recorded the eclosion time of the flesh fly, Sarcophaga crassipalpis, at different depths in the outdoor soil and under temperature cycles with various amplitudes in the laboratory, to examine the timing adjustment of eclosion in response to temperature cycles and their amplitudes in the pupal stage. In the soil, most eclosions occurred in the late morning, which was consistent with the eclosion time under pseudo-sinusoidal temperature cycles in the laboratory. The circadian clock controlling eclosion was reset by temperature cycles and free-ran with a period close to 24h. This clock likely helps pupae eclose at an optimal time even when the soil temperature does not show clear daily fluctuations. The eclosion phase of the circadian clock progressively advanced as the amplitude of the pseudo-sinusoidal temperature cycle decreased. This response allows pupae located at any depth in the soil to eclose at the appropriate time despite the depth-dependent phase delay of the temperature change. In contrast, the abrupt temperature increase in square-wave temperature cycles reset the phase of the circadian clock to the increasing time, regardless of the temperature amplitude. The rapid temperature increase may act as the late-morning signal for the eclosion clock.


J Insect Physiol


Miyazaki Y,Goto SG,Tanaka K,Saito O,Watari Y




Has Abstract


2011-09-01 00:00:00














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