Acute salt poisoning due to different oral rehydration solution (ORS) packet sizes.


:The packing and composition of ORS has undergone a change since its introduction. In India, some companies are manufacturing smaller pouches (4.2 g) to be dissolved in 200 ml of water. Therefore, out of confusion some prescribers routinely advise the patients to dissolve the standard formulation ORS pouch (21 g) in a glass (200 ml) of water. Two cases are discussed. First patient developed salt poisoning due to improper dilution and recovered after rapid correction. In the second patient improper reconstitution led to hypernatremia and death.


Indian J Pediatr


Quereshi UA,Bhat JI,Ali SW,Mir AA,Kambay AH,Bhat IN




Has Abstract


2010-06-01 00:00:00












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