Effects of temperature on scope for growth and accumulation of Cd, Co, Cu and Pb by the marine bivalve Mytilus edulis.


:In many aquatic organisms including Mytilus edulis, the role of temperature on bioaccumulation of metals is still not clearly understood. In this study, uptake and accumulation of Cu, Co, Cd and Pb in mussels were investigated at different temperatures (6-26 degrees C). Results from exposure of isolated gills showed a positive relationship between temperature and metal uptake. But in whole organism experiments, only the accumulations of non-essential metals (Cd, Pb) showed a similar trend while the two essential metals Co and Cu were independent and inversely related to temperature, respectively. With exception of Cu, elimination process appeared to be independent of temperature. The study also showed that neither changes in scope for growth (SFG) of mussels nor chemical speciation could fully account for the observed temperature-effects. Overall, these results suggest that fundamentally (i.e. at epithelial membranes), temperature-effects on uptake are largely due to changes in solution chemistry and physical kinetics, which favours higher uptake at high temperature. But at whole organism level, complex physiological responses appears to mask the relationship, particularly for biologically essential metals like copper.


Mar Environ Res


Mubiana VK,Blust R




Has Abstract


2007-04-01 00:00:00














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