Multilineage engraftment of refrozen cord blood hematopoietic progenitors in NOD/SCID mice.


:Seven cord blood (CB) units were tested for their capacity to repopulate irradiated NOD/SCID mice after one or two successive cryopreservation procedures. In primary transplants with frozen or refrozen CB cells we observed equivalent human colonies and percentages of human CD45+ cells, with multilineage engraftment. In secondary transplants flow cytometry and polymerase chain reaction for the a satellite region of chromosome 17 showed equivalent levels of human engraftment. Since CB units have, to date, mainly been stored in individual bags, our results suggest new options for optimizing the timing of infusions of expanded and non-expanded progenitors in transplants.






Timeus F,Crescenzio N,Sanavio F,Fazio L,Doria A,Foglia L,Pignochino Y,Berger M,Piacibello W,Madon E,Cordero di Montezemolo L,Fagioli F



Has Abstract


2006-03-01 00:00:00












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