Nephron-sparing surgery in children with primary renal tumor: indications and results.


:Nephron-sparing surgery (NSS) is the treatment of choice for children with bilateral Wilms' tumor (WT), or with WT on a single kidney, or with WT and a disease of the contralateral kidney, or with benign kidney tumor. NSS is a reasonable alternative to nephrectomy in children at risk of metachronous WT, including children with genetic syndromes, children younger than 1 year of age, and children with hyperplastic nephroblastomatosis. The use of NSS in selected children with "low-risk" or stage I "intermediate-risk" WT and a normal contralateral kidney is still controversial. Available data suggest that, in children with WT, NSS does not impair the outcome and has a renal function advantage over nephrectomy.


Semin Pediatr Surg


Cozzi DA,Zani A





Has Abstract


2006-02-01 00:00:00














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