Populations of methane-producing bacteria and in vitro methanogenesis in salt marsh and estuarine sediments.


:Most probable numbers (MPNs) of methanogens in various salt marsh and estuarine sediments were determined with an anaerobic, habitat-simulating culture medium with 80% H(2) plus 20% CO(2) as substrate. Average MPNs for the short Spartina (SS) marsh sediments of Sapelo Island, Ga., were maximal at the 5- to 7-cm depth (1.2 x 10/g of dry sediment). Populations decreased to approximately 880/g of dry sediment at the 34- to 36-cm depth. There was no significant difference between summer and winter populations. In tall Spartina (TS) marsh sediments, average populations were maximal (1.2 x 10/g of dry sediment) in the upper 0- to 2-cm zone; populations from the 5- to 36-cm zones were similar (average of 9 x 10/g of dry sediment). Methanogenic populations for TS sediments of James Island Creek marsh, Charleston, S.C., were similar (average of 3 x 10/g of dry sediment) for all depths tested (0 to 22 cm), which was comparable to the trend observed for TS sediments at Sapelo Island, Ga. Sediment grab samples collected along a transect of James Island Creek and its adjacent Spartina marsh had MPNs that were approximately 20 times greater for the region of Spartina growth (average of 10/g of dry sediment) compared with the channel (approximately 5 x 10 methanogens per g of dry sediment). A similar trend was found at Pawley's Island marsh, S.C., but populations were approximately one order of magnitude lower. In vitro rates of methanogenesis with SS sediments incubated under 80% H(2)-20% CO(2) showed that the 5- to 7-cm region exhibited maximal activity (51 nmol of CH(4) g h), which was greater than rates for sediments above and below this depth. SS sediment samples (5 to 7 cm) incubated under 100% N(2) and supplemented with formate exhibited rates of methanogenesis similar to those generated by samples under 80% H(2)-20% CO(2). Replacing the N(2) atmosphere with H(2) resulted in an eightfold decrease in the rate of methanogenesis. In vitro methanogenic activity by TS salt marsh sediments, incubated under 80% H(2)-20% CO(2), was similar for all depths tested (0 to 22 cm). TS sediment samples (0 to 7 cm) supplemented with formate and incubated under 100% N(2) had greater rates of methanogenesis compared with unsupplemented samples.


Appl Environ Microbiol


Jones WJ,Paynter MJ





Has Abstract


1980-04-01 00:00:00












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