[The subclavicular route for the pectoralis major myocutaneous flap].


BACKGROUND:The pectoralis major myocutaneous flap (PMMF) is an important reconstructive tool for lesions in the head and neck region. Using the supraclavicular route, the PMMF reliably transfers large amounts of well-vascularized skin and muscle into defects of the upper aerodigestive tract. However, limited length and arc of rotation as well as excessive bulk can be problematic. PATIENTS AND METHODS:In the current study, these problems have been addressed by passing the pedicle deeply to the clavicle. Following flap harvest, the pedicle was passed in the subclavicular plane in 15 head and neck cancer patients for primary and secondary reconstruction. RESULTS:Using this route it was possible to increase the medium length of PMMF to 3 cm compared to the supraclavicular route. No total flap necrosis occurred, however, temporary complications were observed in three of 15 cases (20%)--partial flap necrosis occurred in two cases and fistula formation was observed in one case. This rate is in accordance with complication rates described for the supraclavicular route. However, in long-term follow-ups we observed a fracture of the clavicle in two patients in whom, in contrast to the others, the periostium was not only prepared posteriorly but over the whole circumference. CONCLUSIONS:The subclavicular route for PMMF increases the length and arc of rotation available for reconstruction without compromising vascular supply to a higher degree than with the conventional supraclavicular route. Furthermore, this concept decreases the bulk of the PMMF pedicle which is functionally and cosmetically favourable. Thus, the subclavicular route of PMMF is safe and allows an extension of the reconstructive possibilities.






Hoffmann TK,Balló H,Hauser U,Bier H





Has Abstract


2006-07-01 00:00:00














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