Toward an understanding of competency identification and assessment in health care management.


:Given the revolutionary changes occurring in the health care industry, there is increasing agreement that academicians and practitioners must collaborate to identify and prioritize major educational outcomes for health care management. Several competency initiatives have been undertaken or completed in health care and health care management in the last 5 to 7 years. Health care leaders who have undertaken such endeavors reveal that the task is most formidable. This article provides: (1) a summary of progress in competency identification for health management, (2) an historical overview on competency-based education and assessment, (3) a glossary of terms used in discussions on competency-based education and training, and (4) an outline of the challenges and benefits associated with competency modeling.


Qual Manag Health Care


Calhoun JG,Davidson PL,Sinioris ME,Vincent ET,Griffith JR





Has Abstract


2002-10-01 00:00:00












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