Psychological preparation of competitive judokas - a review.


:The purpose of this article was to review a series of studies (n = 18) on psychological preparation of competitive judokas. These studies were grouped according to the type of study performed - observational, experimental, and case studies. In addition, five psychological categories were identified: (a) imagery, (b) motivation, (c) stress, anxiety, and mood states, (d) eating attitudes and weight control, and (e) coach/athlete interactions. The main findings of this review are that (a) there is a lack of data regarding the use of imagery to improve judo performance; (b) goal involvement states of competitive judokas fluctuate and undergo abrupt changes during actual combat, according to the ecological constraints of the situation; (c) cortisol levels and somatic and cognitive anxiety tend to increase prior to and during a judo combat; (d) weight reduction programs that judokas undergo prior to a judo combat can lead to unpleasant moods, and cultural differences can lead to conflicting results; (e) psychological preparation plans should be tailored to each individual judoka, as there can be significant individual differences among the judokas. Based on the findings of our review, a number of research limitations and methodological concerns are discussed. Key PointsThis article reviews a series of studies (n = 18) examining psychological aspects of judokas who compete at the intermediate level, national team level, and international level, and who hold international titles.Weight reduction programs that judokas undergo prior to a judo combat can lead to unpleasant moods.Psychological preparation plans should be tailored to each individual judoka, as there can be significant individual differences among competitive judokas.An effort should be made to conduct experimental-designed studies in order to assess the effectiveness of psychological interventions in judo.


J Sports Sci Med


Ziv G,Lidor R


Has Abstract


2013-09-01 00:00:00










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