Submission of images to the center for biologics evaluation and research in support of license applications for therapeutic agents.


:CBER's philosophy partners with the sponsor's philosophy in the development of electronic dossiers. Based on the experience gained from a number of dossiers, CBER has established a standard management paradigm and imaging platform by which the review of radiographs has been facilitated.


J Clin Pharmacol


Fauntleroy M




Has Abstract


2001-07-01 00:00:00












  • The recruitment of normal healthy volunteers: a review of the literature on the use of financial incentives.

    abstract::Unresolved issues of ethical, methodological, and legal concerns in the use of normal healthy volunteers persist. Financial incentives in their recruitment offer a unique ethical dilemma because of questions surrounding payment. A review of literature was conducted to obtain research systematically examining volunteer...

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  • Multiple-dose, linear, dose-proportional pharmacokinetics of retigabine in healthy volunteers.

    abstract::Retigabine, a first-in-class selective M-current potassium channel opener, is a novel antiepileptic compound currently in clinical development. The purpose of this randomized placebo-controlled study was to assess retigabine oral safety and pharmacokinetics in healthy male volunteers (N = 45). Subjects received one do...

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  • The pharmacokinetics of sodium oxybate oral solution following acute and chronic administration to narcoleptic patients.

    abstract::This trial was conducted to evaluate the pharmacokinetics and safety of a sodium oxybate (gamma-hydroxybutyrate [GHB]) oral solution in narcoleptic patients after acute and chronic treatment. An open-label, two-period, two-treatment study design was used. Trial subjects included 13 patients with polysomnographically c...

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  • Electrocardiographic effects of rivastigmine.

    abstract::The electrocardiographic (ECG) effects of rivastigmine treatment were assessed in mild to moderately severe Alzheimer's disease (AD) by analysis of four 26-week, double-blind, multicenter, placebo-controlled, phase III clinical trials. Of an initial 2791 patients, 77% completed treatment. Seventy-one percent required ...

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  • Prediction of Individual Serum Infliximab Concentrations in Inflammatory Bowel Disease by a Bayesian Dashboard System.

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  • A pharmacological analysis of levonantradol antinociception in mice.

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  • Respiratory effects of quazepam and pentobarbital.

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  • Entecavir pharmacokinetics, safety, and tolerability after multiple ascending doses in healthy subjects.

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  • Indenolol pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics after single and repeated daily doses.

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  • Suppression of lymphocyte interleukin-2 receptor expression by glucocorticoids, cyclosporine, or both.

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  • Developmental pharmacokinetic changes of Lamivudine in infants and children.

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  • Food effect on bioavailability of modified-release trimetazidine tablets.

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  • Increased potency of nondepolarizing relaxants after poliomyelitis.

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  • Effects of grapefruit juice on pharmacokinetic exposure to indinavir in HIV-positive subjects.

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  • Lack of electrocardiographic effect of dexlansoprazole MR, a novel modified-release formulation of the proton pump inhibitor dexlansoprazole, in healthy participants.

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  • Review of UCN-01 development: a lesson in the importance of clinical pharmacology.

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  • Local Investigators Significantly Overestimate Overall Response Rates Compared to Blinded Independent Central Reviews in Phase 2 Oncology Trials.

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