Liver metastases from colorectal carcinoma: detection with continuous CT angiography.


:A diagnostic approach to assess liver metastases from colorectal carcinoma was prospectively evaluated in 30 patients with and without metastases on the basis of findings at conventional computed tomography (CT). With the technique, termed continuous CT angiography (CCTA), CT data were continuously sampled for 24 seconds at the same section level after initiation of a 3-second injection of 10-20 mL of contrast medium in the common hepatic artery. The procedure was repeated for each contiguous section level of the liver. Findings at preoperative ultrasound (US), conventional CT, and CCTA were compared with those at intraoperative US and surgical exploration as the standard of reference. Forty-four liver metastases were identified in 16 patients, and 14 patients had no metastases. CCTA had a sensitivity of 98% (43 lesions identified) and higher accuracy (81% [54 of 67 diagnoses]) than US and conventional CT. The data indicate that CCTA can supplement information obtained with conventional imaging techniques in patients who must undergo hepatic surgery because of metastases from colorectal carcinoma.






Oudkerk M,van Ooijen B,Mali SP,Tjiam SL,Schmitz PI,Wiggers T




Has Abstract


1992-10-01 00:00:00












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