Electrophysiologic effects of amlodipine vs. diltiazem in patients with coronary artery disease and beta-blocking therapy.


:This study compares the electrophysiologic effects of amlodipine and diltiazem in patients with coronary artery disease concomitantly treated with background beta-blocking therapy. Thirty patients were included in an open-label parallel study in two phases. During phase 1, patients were screened and placed on maintenance atenolol therapy at 50 or 100 mg/day, while phase 2 consisted of right-sided catheterization and randomization of patients to either amlodipine (10 mg i.v.) or diltiazem (10 mg i.v.). Following treatment with amlodipine, no significant alteration in markers of electrophysiological activity was observed. Treatment with diltiazem resulted in a significant lengthening of sinus cycle length (SCL, p < 0.04), AH interval (p < 0.02), and Wenckebach CL (WCL, p < 0.001), and a trend towards an increase in sinus node recovery time (SNRT, p = 0.057). No effects were observed with regard to HV interval and corrected SNRT. The results of this study indicate that 10 mg intravenous amlodipine has no significant electrophysiological action on sinus or AV node function in patients receiving beta-blocker therapy with atenolol, suggesting that amlodipine can be added to beta-blockers to treat patients with myocardial ischemia and/or hypertension without any significant increase in the risk of bradyarrhythmias.


Cardiovasc Drugs Ther


Santarelli P,Biscione F,Natale A,Manzoli A,Lanza GA




Has Abstract


1994-08-01 00:00:00












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