Effector memory CD8+ T cells are resistant to apoptosis.


:Based upon their migrating properties and effector functions, CD8(+) T cells have been further classified into central memory (T(CM)) and two types of effector memory (T(EM) and T(EMRA)) cells. These memory cells display distinct replicative characteristics. Because apoptosis plays an important role in cellular homeostasis, we have examined the relative sensitivity of naïve (T(N)) and different memory CD8(+) T cells to apoptosis. We show that both T(EM) and T(EMRA) CD8(+) T cells are resistant to apoptosis, whereas T(N) and T(CM) CD8(+) T cells are sensitive to apoptosis.


Ann N Y Acad Sci


Gupta S,Gollapudi S




Has Abstract


2007-08-01 00:00:00












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