A fully 3D work context for oral implant planning and simulation.


PURPOSE:Most software systems for oral implantology are based on a two-dimensional multi-view approach, often accompanied with a surface rendered model. Usually they are affected by common errors like anisotropy of the volume and distortion on measurements. A more integrated and realistic 3D approach for implant surgery is desirable in order to gain a deeper and surer knowledge of patient's anatomy before inserting the implants, thus reducing the risk of damaging surrounding structures. METHODS:We present a 3D software system for oral implant planning where computer graphic techniques have been used to create a smooth and user-friendly fully integrated 3D environment to work in. Both volume isotropy and correctness in measurements are obtained through slices interpolation to achieve, respectively, an isotropic voxel and the freedom of choosing arbitrarily, during the planning, the best cross-sectional plane. Correct orientation of the planned implants is also easily computed, by exploiting a radiological mask with radio-opaque markers, worn by the patient during the CT scan. RESULTS:Precision in measures was validated by considering several different scans and comparing the measures achieved with the ones got through the common methodology. It has been also calculated error percentages, algorithms efficiencies, and performances. Precision achieved outperforms usual DentaScan multi-view approach one, and it is comparable with or better than that obtained by the DentalVox tool (from 0.16 to 0.71% error in measures). CONCLUSIONS:The proposed software system provides a user-friendly, correct and precise work context for oral implant planning, avoiding similar software common errors. The 3D environment can be also exploited in the final surgical phase, in order to provide a flapless surgical guide, through the use of an anthropomorphic robot.


Chiarelli T,Lamma E,Sansoni T




Has Abstract


2010-01-01 00:00:00












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