Late diagnosis of Hirschsprung disease--patient characteristics and results.


PURPOSE:The aim of the present study was to describe the characteristics and the postoperative results of children diagnosed as having Hirschsprung disease (HD) after the age of 3 years. METHODS:All patients with HD diagnosed after the age of 3 years in our hospital from 1998 to 2011 were included. Patient characteristics and postoperative results were prospectively registered. RESULTS:Eleven children were included. Age at diagnosis was 3.0 to 9.6 years. Ten patients had rectosigmoid disease, whereas 1 had total colonic aganglionosis. Three children were given a diverting ileostomy before the pull-through procedure, and all 3 had ileostomy-related complications. Early postoperative complications were seen in 5 children, of whom 2 had anastomotic leakage. At final follow-up, with a median of 3 years postoperatively, 7 had normal bowel function, 1 had frequent loose stools, and 3 were soiling. CONCLUSIONS:Early postoperative complications, especially anastomotic leakage, occurred frequently in children with late-diagnosed HD. Therefore, a diverting stoma should be considered in these patients. The long-term functional results were comparable with those seen in children operated on as neonates.


J Pediatr Surg


Stensrud KJ,Emblem R,Bjørnland K




Has Abstract


2012-10-01 00:00:00














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