Fate and transport of radiocesium, radiostrontium and radiocobalt on urban building materials.


:Kinetics of (137)Cs, (60)Co and (85)Sr sorption on powdered building materials in aqueous suspensions at 20 °C for interaction times of 1, 7, 14 and 28 days were studied. The (137)Cs distribution coefficient (Kd) values for all building materials except limestone practically did not change during 28 days of sorption. The Kd ((85)Sr) was several orders of magnitude lower than for (60)Co. The highest values were observed for asphalt and granite. An effective method to study the radionuclide distribution in depth of building materials using layer-by-layer sanding was developed. Using the developed method, the (137)Cs, (60)Co and (85)Sr distribution with depth of selected building materials at different air humidity, time and temperature was studied. Relative humidity (RH) was found to influence significantly the (85)Sr depth distribution in the case of granite (unlike (137)Cs and (60)Co). While (85)Sr penetrated to 0.5 mm in depth of granite at RH 30%, at RH 87% the depth of (85)Sr penetration to granite reached up to 7 mm.


J Environ Radioact


Maslova K,Stepina I,Konoplev A,Popov V,Gusarov A,Pankratov F,Lee SD,Il'icheva N




Has Abstract


2013-11-01 00:00:00












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