Appropriate selection and application of nonsurgical facial rejuvenation agents and procedures: panel consensus recommendations.


:As injectable products have been introduced and as clinicians have gained experience with them, applications and techniques for injection have evolved, with better cosmetic results, enhanced patient safety, and greatly improved patient satisfaction. Within the past four years, several consensus recommendation panels have been convened to summarize the accumulated clinical experience and knowledge about the application of these products. The guidelines that already exist in the literature are referred to, and suggested guidelines for the administration of poly-L-lactic acid-for which no consensus guidelines have previously been published-are included in this article.


Aesthet Surg J


Fitzgerald R,Graivier MH,Kane M,Lorenc ZP,Vleggaar D,Werschler WP,Kenkel JM




Has Abstract


2010-07-01 00:00:00










30 Suppl


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