Self-reported outcome after diode laser hair removal.


BACKGROUND:Laser-assisted photoepilation has become the procedure of choice for permanent hair reduction. Our purpose was to evaluate patient satisfaction with the procedure using a diode-laser system. METHOD:A self-administered survey was mailed to 220 patients who underwent treatment between 2000 and 2004. These questions addressed the area treated, number of treatments received, postprocedure hair density, and overall satisfaction. RESULTS:Of 220 patients, 114 (52%) completed the survey. Eighty percent of patients were either "very satisfied" or "somewhat satisfied." Forty percent of patients felt they achieved 75% hair reduction and 38% reported 50% hair reduction. The majority of patients required 5-6 treatments over 13-18 months for maximum improvement. Multiple treatments over this prolonged time were a significant deterrent to treatment completion. The majority of patients (91%) experienced no long-term side effects. CONCLUSION:Diode-laser hair removal is a safe, well-tolerated procedure. Our patient satisfaction is comparable to hair-count studies in the literature.


Ann Plast Surg


Zins JE,Alghoul M,Gonzalez AM,Strumble P




Has Abstract


2008-03-01 00:00:00














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