Intracellular coupling of prostaglandin inhibition of acid secretion in isolated rabbit gastric parietal cells.


:Acid secretion from isolated rabbit gastric parietal cells can be stimulated by gastric secretagogues, histamine (cyclic-AMP pathway) and carbachol (inositol phosphate pathway). Prostaglandins (PG) from E series are potent inhibitors of acid secretion. The intracellular mechanism of this inhibition was examined by using a stable PGE1-analogue, misoprostol. Aminopyrine (AP) accumulations due to histamine, IBMX and forskolin were dose-dependently inhibited by misoprostol, whereas a weak but significant biphasic effect on carbachol-induced AP accumulation was observed. The cyclic-AMP formation induced by histamine and IBMX were also inhibited by misoprostol in a non-competitive way. The potent effect of forskolin on cyclic-AMP levels was not modified by misoprostol in parietal cells, whereas it was potentiated in non-parietal cells. The inhibitory effect of misoprostol on AP accumulation was reduced by incubation of parietal cells with Bordetella pertussis toxin (IAP) but not with Cholera toxin (CT). Pretreatment of the cells with IAP did not alter cyclic-AMP levels of resting and histamine-stimulated parietal cells but abolished the inhibitory effect of misoprostol. Treatment with CT increased basal and histamine-stimulated cyclic-AMP levels and masked the inhibitory effect of misoprostol. The biphasic effect of misoprostol on carbachol-stimulated AP accumulation in parietal cells was confirmed on carbachol-stimulated phospholipase C activity and on [Ca2+]i stimulated by carbachol. These data confirm a direct and specific effect of the prostanoid on the Gi-subunit of the adenylate cyclase coupled to the histamine H2-receptor, and a biphasic effect on the phospholipase C pathway of the parietal cells.


Biochem Pharmacol


Biochemical pharmacology


Choquet A,Leonard A,Magous R,Bali JP




Has Abstract


1990-06-15 00:00:00














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