Strikes--an appropriate action for health care employees? A personal perspective.


:In this article I would like to express my personal ideas and points of view about strike action, which I think many colleagues will share. I am a qualified paediatric nurse, currently working in the central operating theatre of a university hospital in Germany. At the same time, I am also finishing my studies in health care sciences. Apart from two short protest strikes, I have not taken part in any strike, because there have not been any during my whole professional career at the hospitals where I have worked. I am personally deeply convinced that strikes are important and are a good and useful tool, in particular to protest against 'rationalizations', which so far have led only to lower salaries and fewer jobs for nurses, and have brought no improvement in the conditions for staff or patients.


Nurs Ethics


Nursing ethics


Benn-Rohloff N




Has Abstract


1997-07-01 00:00:00












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